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Clearing out a parent’s or other loved one’s home after their death (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of Clearing Out a Loved One’s Home. It includes a step-by-step system for sorting, things to do at the beginning and end of every sorting session, ideas about where to start, and some more tips.toomuchstuff

Going through items
1. Start in an easy place. I suggest the kitchen or the entryway that leads to the kitchen. Although it’s a place full of memories, it’s going to be fairly easy (relatively) to go through. Having a clear entry will also save you a lot of hassle.

2. Clear an area to stack boxes in- this is where you’ll store the items you want to keep for yourself or someone else. Clear an area next to the door- this is where you’ll stack items that are to be donated.

3. Get out two boxes and one garbage bag and mark the boxes:

  • Keep
  • Donate

The bag is for garbage/recycling

4. Now, this is going to sound weird, but try not to think too much. Pick up whatever item is closest to you and make a quick gut decision- keep, donate, or discard. You don’t have to justify it to anyone. Put it in the appropriate box/bag and pick up the next item.

I’m going to break a rule of organizing: If you’re not sure about whether you should keep something or not, keep it.

If I was working with you or if you were going through your own things, I would suggest donating things you weren’t sure about. In this case, hang onto the item you’re not sure about. Yes, in the end you’ll have to go through these items a second time and might end up donating them after all. But everything is more difficult when you’re in mourning, and you are going to feel guilty about whether you made the right decision, especially if you’re doing this alone. Don’t lose any sleep over worrying about whether you should have thrown away a cracked pepper shaker. Hang onto it for now. You can always donate it or recycle it later.

Where should you start in the room? It depends, but here’s one way:

  • You need to be able to come and go easily, so clear out the area around the door.
  • Standing in the door, turn to your left and pick up whatever is in front of you. Go around the room clockwise and deal with things as you get to them. It’s that easy.
  • Start with things on the floor. Leave cabinets and drawers for last- that stuff isn’t in your way right now.

More tips!

  • Resist the urge to work in another room or to go look for something. Focus on this one piece of the elephant. The rest will be there tomorrow.
  • Don’t work until you’re exhausted physically, mentally, or emotionally. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Doing an hour a day is better than doing an 8 hour sessions once a week.
  • On your first visit, make sure the house has the following: a) toilet paper, b) soap, c) paper towels.etc. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
  • Work on one room, then move to a connected room, then another connected room. Do one floor at a time: ground floor, second floor, attic, then basement.

What to do at the beginning of each session:

  1. Put your drink/snack in the fridge.
  2. Take a quick walk through the house to make sure there aren’t any broken windows/etc.
  3. Check the mail.
  4. Open up some windows and/or the shades if you can to let some light and air in.
  5. Turn on the music!
  6. Start on today’s bite.

What to do at the end of each session:

  1. Take the mail for the executor.
  2. Throw away the garbage- even if the bag isn’t full.
  3. If possible, bring the donated items to the charity right away.
  4. Go home and take a break.
  5. Remind yourself that you have eaten one more bite of elephant.

I hope that you’ve found this information helpful. Let me know in the comments section what works – or doesn’t work- for you.

About the author


I am a professional organizer in Buffalo, NY. I focus on helping people who are overwhelmed with all the Stuff they have in their lives. My specialties are: Decluttering, Downsizing, Clearing out a Home after a Death, Moving, and Hoarding. Visit my site at http://www.IHaveTooMuchStuff.com or contact me at beth@IHaveTooMuchStuff.com or (716)791-7293.

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